Step # 1
first you have to view my previous program that is basic C++ GPA calculator available on following link
C++ GPA Calculator
Step # 2
this program is consists of following attributes.
1) pointer array.
2) function call by value & inline function.
i dont want to describe program briefly this program is consisted of question as under
User is asked to enter 3 subject marks out of 100
marks greater then 88 but less then 100 award grade must be A with 4.00 points
marks greater then 80 but less then 87 award grade must be B+ with 3.50 points
marks greater then 73 but less then 79 award grade must be B with 3.00 points
marks greater then 66 but less then 72 award grade must be C+ with 2.50 points
marks greater then 60 but less then 66 award grade must be C with 2.00 points
marks greater then 60 but less then 66 award grade must be C with 2.00 points
marks greater then 50 but less then 59 award grade must be D with 4.00 points
else you are fail in course
according to above brief option logic is simple
using namespace std;
float getGpa(float *marks,float *subjects)
float result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
float points = 0;
if ((*marks + i)>=87)
points = 4;
else if ((*marks + i) >= 80 && (*marks + i) < 87)
points = 3.5;
else if ((*marks + i)>=72 && (*marks + i) < 80)
points = 3.0;
else if ((*marks + i)>=66 && (*marks + i) < 72)
points = 2.5;
else if ((*marks + i) >= 60 && (*marks + i) < 66)
points = 2.0;
points = 0;
result += points;
float ab;
ab = (result / 3);
return ab;
void main()
float marks[3];
float credits[3];
float *ptr;
float *_ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << "Enter marks of subject number " << i << " = ";
cin >> marks[i];
cout << "Enter credit of subject number " << i << " = ";
cin >> credits[i];
ptr = marks; _ptr = credits;
cout << "Gpa is = " << getGpa(ptr, _ptr);