Remember this is basic C++ program limited project for complete solution of C++ project means advance coded project you must visit this posted latest program
Remember this is basic C++ program limited project for complete solution of C++ project means advance coded project you must visit this posted latest program
C++ Car Parking Management System Complete Project
- //cf program to calculate the ticket of the car parking
- //programmer name umar javed
- //
- //14-05-2011
- #include<iostream.h>
- #include<cstring.h>
- int main()
- {
- //
- int nic_num;
- int n;
- int price;
- char name[15];
- char fname[15];
- cout<<"Welcome to the car parking system program"<<endl;
- cout<<"Please Enter the Required Informations for car parking"<<endl;
- cout<<"_______________________________________"<<endl;
- cout<<"enter the name = ";
- cin>>name;
- cout<<"enter the father name = ";
- cin>>fname;
- //
- cout<<endl<<"plz enter the ur nic number"<<endl;
- cin>>nic_num;
- cout<<"choose which pakage u want to park the car"<<endl<<"1 for 2hrs"<<endl<<"2 for 4 hrz"<<endl<<"3 for 6 hrz"<<endl<<"4 for 8 hrz"<<endl;
- cin>>n;
- switch(n)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- cout<<"you have choose the pakage no 1"<<endl;
- cout<<"car is parked for 2 hours";
- price=12*2;
- cout<<endl<<"price of ticket"<<"="<<price<<"RS"<<endl;
- break;
- }
- //
- case 2:
- {cout<<"you have choose the pakage no 2"<<endl;
- cout<<"car is parked for 4 hours";
- price=12*4;
- cout<<endl<<"price of ticket"<<"="<<price<<"RS"<<endl;
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- cout<<"you have choose the pakage no 3"<<endl;
- cout<<"car is parked for 6 hours";
- price=12*6;
- cout<<endl<<"price of ticket"<<"="<<price<<"RS"<<endl;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- cout<<"you have choose the pakage no 4"<<endl;
- cout<<"car is parked for 8 hours";
- price=12*8;
- cout<<endl<<"price of ticket"<<"="<<price<<"RS"<<endl;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- cout<<"no package is here the choice u entered"<<endl<<"try agian"<<endl;
- }
- }
- cout<<"thank you for using our services"<<endl;
- cout<<"................................";
- //
- cout<<endl<endl;
- cout<<endl<<endl<<".....R.E.C.I.P.T....."<<endl;
- cout<<endl<<"Your name is ="<<name;
- cout<<endl<<"Your father name is ="<<fname<<endl;
- cout<<"Your Nic number is = "<<nic_num<<endl;
- cout<<"Package You choosed is number = "<<n<<endl;
- cout<<"-----------------------------------------"<<endl;
- cout<<"thank you for using our parking service"<<endl;
- cout<<"-----------------------------------------"<<endl;
- //
- return 0; }
- //